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Father GOD, we come to you with our hearts crying out for Street Kids and Poverty Pupils of the Philippines,.

Father GOD we stand in the gap, we reach out our hands, heat and all our being, sharing the love Father GOD that You have

for all mankind, Father these Kids, Your Kids are hurting much Father GOD their suffering is so great, so sad, no availability

 of food forces them to scavenge in the street, the dump, the trash cans,.. Father GOD we are calling you Father in the name of JESUS Father GOD intervene Father,  Yeh intervene in the name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD GOD we do ask Father GOD,..

Father GOD Open the flood gates, smash the doors off their hinges Father GOD, give an out~pouring of your provision

Father GOD for our work, the work You Father GOD have placed before us is indeed Huge,.. Father GOD Your Holy Word

says "What~So~Ever is asked in the name of JESUS Shall~Be~ done" We Father GOD are holding you to your promise,

we are continuing on in the name of JESUS with the Holy Spirit as our Helper we state "Send me LORD" in doing so we

expect you to provide solutions to all our need in the name of JESUS  we do Pray,. amen 

Filth, Disgusting, Horrid
Filthy Disgusting Water
Disgusting Stagnant Water
Life of the Poor
Stagnant water
Family at the Supper Market
When Life Is TOUGH
The Supper Market

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Ps "Aussie"  of GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH Christian brothers and sisters in conjunction with

CHRIST for BIKERS WWMM ~ Toledo City CHAPTER Cebu the Philippines

have been doing much work Ministering in the Cities Streets reaching out to Street Kids and Poor Families living so

far below the poverty line it's almost unbelievable this Nation calls it's self Christian,...

The same old story I guess,.. The rich get Richer while the poor get poorer, Please do Prayerfully contemplate  

supporting us to support them,.. In the name of JESUS Please do use the Pledge Support Email Sender on Pledge Page and if you would please do read the content of this website, GOD has us on Mission to the Street Kids and Poor Families, so too to Isloated villages and remote Islands where we are establishing First Aid Celters, Churches, Schools and even a Hospital,.. It hard though due to lack of Supporters, Please do Prayerfully contemplate Supporting us so we can helpm them, in anticipation we say 

Thank you and GOD Bless you indeed

When Hungry Eat
Help me is his thought
Night Night ~ Hmm
Street Kids sorting Junk
Sponsoring Students
The Lucky Ones
Schools in Need

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1.5 Million Street Kids
The Sign Says It All
Poverty Kids
Disabilities abound in Phili
The Cardboard Bed
Praying before eating
Junk, Trash, Garbage Everywhere
The Carer 14 hours a day
Scavenging a way of Life

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Pastor "Aussie" born 'Laurence John Williams' Victoria Australia, September 1953 (63yo at time of writing) BORN AGAIN ~ SPIRIT FILLED ~ SET FREE April 1973,.  Prier to this Ps "Aussie" was a lost soul indeed, alcohol, drugs, crime, rebellion, hatred, violence,..

A 1%'er Biker, Hard Core,.. However GOD had a plan, it began September 1953, Ps "Aussie" was allowed to walk through life till April 1973 as a total blind man only seeing what he did choose,.. April 1973 took the log out of my eyes and the wax out of my ears and turned a heart of stone to a heart of JESUS who now not only lives within me but lives for me and I for Him,..

I've remained a Biker but no longer a 1%'er but a 100%'er 24/7 365, decade after decade for JESUS,..

For many years Ps "Aussie" has been receiving dreams and visions all containing Mission work to Native people Street Kids and the lost in a Nation I did not know,.. For many years Ps "Aussie" joined many Missions and did travel by yacht to many remote Islands searching for what GOD had shown him in the dreams and visions, doing much in Ministry but still having the more and more dreams and visions of people and a Nation I knew nothing about and was also quite unwilling to go,.. Cutting a long long story short I was given the opportunity to travel to the Philippines flying into Mactan Cebu International airport,.. Once out of the airport and ridding a taxi , I realized this is it, this is the place,.. To my shock the taxi driver replied yes this is a great place, you will love it,.. Hmm I must have yelled it out i think hahaha,...

Ministering hear has not been easy, every false Tom, Dick & Happy Preacher, Teacher and False Religions are hear by the Airplane load,..  I need ask you please Pray for Ps "Aussie" my day to day needs, simple things like food, drinking water, soap, shampoo, food ~ no that's not a mistake I wrote food twice by purpose for we have so so little most of the time,...

Yes Please do Pray for us Ps "Aussie, Jenny Vabe & Cheska (our 2yo little girl) and if you would Prayerfully contemplate

Practical Support, we desperate need Support indeed, see Pledge page please,.... 

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