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GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32)

GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH is a Mobile Ministry utilizing our Motorcycles and cars for the extension of the Kingdom of GOD


#1/. GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32)


#2/. -  -  - FREEDOM FELLOWSHIP(s) 

You can read about GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH on the GOD's little FLOCK Page,... Hear I like to inform the reader about the 

GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) FREEDOM FELLOWSHIP(s)

GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH being the founding FELLOWSHIP in Australia 1983 now expanding from Queensland Australia

into all National States and Internationally to America, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Asia with it's

home office currently temporarily situated in Toledo City Cebu the Philippines

until further notice

GOD's little FLOCK network is a NOT for Profit organization with ministries reaching out to communities within the above mentioned Nations

Currently in training are  Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries under the GOD's little FLOCK name tag

14 Pastors recently trained and now within the Mission field Ministering among the Poor

Laurence John Williams known as Pastor "Aussie" also conducts training online, doing so with trainees in the U.S.A, Australia, UK

during 2014 to current time,.. With such trainees establishing GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) FREEDOM FELLOWSHIP with

in home Bible Study, Prayer ~ Praise Groups with Prayer-filled contemplation of the in home Groups eventually becoming 

FREEDOM FELLOWSHIP within it's own buildings where the Church can gather and grow ~ GOD willing 

Pastor "Aussie" has received FB Comments, PM's and Emails asking How can I help your Ministries,.. I'm answering this =

The Network of Ministries under the name tags CHRIST for BIKERS WWMM ~ GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH and


Are not my ministries they are GOD's Ministries and we all participate as MP's (Ministry Participants), Leaders, Elder, Elect  Elders and

God's Elect Elders under such name tags

Q/.  But How do  I start a GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) FREEDOM FELLOWSHIP (GlF FF) ?

A/. A GlF FF is started as a in house BIBLE STUDY ~ Prayer & PRAISE Meeting once (or more) WEEKLY at your or a Group member home

Q/. Other than Bible Study ~ Prayer & Praise is there other activities a Group need consider?

A/. Yes we are on our knees asking GOD to bring foke together to assist in supporting the overall Ministries under the above

name tags with Prayer-filled Practical support

Q/. What form of practical support are you referring too Ps "Aussie"?

A/. The hardest of all we need is Monetary Support ~ Funds are a great need to assist in propping up the Network of Ministries

thereby keeping us within the black ledger wise, funds are always in need due to the extent of need hear in the Mission field of

the Philippines as too withing your CHAPTER ~ Group Locality,.. If you would be so kind as to go to the PLEDGE Page, you will read of

Three major ways CHAPTERS and GROUPS can assist the overall Ministries we are part of the body within

Q/. If our CHAPTER ~ GROUP were to take part in supporting the overall Network of Ministries ~ How do we know

what and when or where such support is utilized?

A/. Regular NOTICES of Support benefit Funds or goods shall be posted within this website and  CHAPTER ~ GROUP FB Groups

Meaning ALL  will be able to read at will

Q/. Why don't you get funding from Charity organizations?

A/. Charity organizations are mostly controlled by people who are not into charity but are there simply to make money

for themselves, will a very small amount of donated funds ever getting to the people who are in need,. some so~called Charities

have been proven to be nothing other than money making scams,.. With as little as 2% actually going to those in need,..

This has been proven and now we are moving into a time where Governments are beginning to be controlled by Christians again

we will see major changes taking place,.. Until this is in force World Wide the wisest way you can make Charitable Donations

or conduct FUNDRAISERS and CAMPAIGNS is to choose a Missionary / Mission / Organization that you personally have direct

contact with the people on the ground ~ ground Zero so too speak

By doing the above guarantees to you the major portion of funds / goods go directly into the hands of those in need


CUTTING OUT The Middle Man is the Key to good Stewardship of GOD's money and goods

Of cause the objective of this page is to teach you ALL IS POSSIBLE To Those That Believe,.. Supporting the above

named organizations is indeed the overall objective 


Q/. Is it legal to conduct FUNDRAISERS and CAMPAIGNS?


A/. 100% YES there are hundreds of such Companies who are Registered to do so on behalf of Private people and Causes,..

Once again this information is posted on the PLEDGE PAGE openly for all to read and learn the HOW To 

Q/. If I, our Group, CHAPTER were to conduct a Fundraiser are we limited to one fundraiser?

A/. Defiantly NOT  in~fact I personally encourage  Groups  and CHAPTERS to conduct 2 to 6 Fundraisers in conjunction,

One for the Group, another for the CHAPTER, and others to the Specific Network of Ministries you do freely choose from within this website

NOTE any further Questions can be asked by utilizing the below  Question / Answer Email Sender below

In anticipation of you Prayer~filled contemplation and Positive Action we thank you and ask GOD Bless you indeed 

Pastor  "Aussie" CEO of CHRIST for BIKERS WWMM

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