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WELCOME to Pledge Page

Legal Fundraisers & CAMPAIGNS 

PRAYER ~ Father GOD we pray you Bless the reader ~ Prayer for entering our Ministries Pledge Page,..

Father GOD your Holy Word says

"What~So~Ever we ask in the name of JESUS ~ Shall Be Done" 

Father we lay hold of these words in expectation of Your provision, to meet Ministry needs through out the


GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH


and Network of Ministries under such name tags

Father our needs are great, our laborers ready and able, our supporters few

Father GOD Your intervention is called upon in the name of JESUS for provisions and support 

are in great need Father GOD, we are calling out in Prayer for our needs to be

subdued and met to the fullest Father GOD on all levels and in fulness

We call upon JESUS to intercede on our behalf we call upon Intercessory Prayer Warriors

to Pray on behalf of the Network of ministries listed throughout this website

we call upon MP's (Ministry Participants) Group and CHAPTER Leaders, Elders & Supporters as to our valued

FB Friends, Associates and Brother & Sisters within the Body of Christ Internationally to UNITE in

Active Support of such Network of Ministries ~ Father Your Holy Word says to Pray without ceasing 

therefore we do Pray and move forward in Positive Action within such Prayers Father GOD

we lift up the Christian Community Word Wide asking Father GOD you Protect them, Renew them, bring about 

Renewal and Revival throughout the Nations of the World UNITE All as one Body of Christ Father GOD

we Pray for those trapped in sin of the World and sin of religion(s) Father GOD, we claim Victory over the Powers

and Principalities that hold them bound Father GOD that such be be Broken Father GOD in the captive set free

into Salvation in, on and through the Blood of JESUS and the Cross Father GOD,  we Pray all Father GOD

in, on and through the Holy name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD,......... amen 


The following links will take you to LEGAL FUNDS RAISING websites, where any Individual or organization can legally

raise funding for a multitude of reasons, surfing the sites will educate the reader where one will learn the legality 

of such,.. It is also possible to conduct more than one fundraiser,..

Example =

1/. for yourself for a multitude of reasons including Tuition FEEs etc

2/. For medical expenses or the like 

3/. You Group, CHAPTER Ministry needs

4/. Support of a Ministry ~ Missionary

5/. Funds for your CfB WWMM CHAPTER needs

6/. GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH


Our Hope is if at all you intend utilizing the FREE information listed hear that you would also conduct

on~going Fund Raisers in support of the Network of Ministries listed throughout this website

in the name of JESUS that is indeed our Hope and Prayers 

GOD Bless you and your Funds Raising Efforts in the name of JESUS 

Legal FUNDS RAISERS Websites

Below Pastor "Aussie" has listed several FUNDRAISING Campaign website that are 100% Legal within the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

 and United Kingdom and all Christian Nations World Wide,.. Raising Funds for Self or to DONATE to a Cause is in~fact 100% Legal, and

Highly Encouraged by those of us suffering and in great need,..

CHAPTER Elders ~  Leaders you are encouraged to study all content and implement FUNDRAISERS and CAMPAIGNS urgently

To further protect individuals and or CHAPTERS or the Network of Ministries any funds raised can be forwarded to the receiver by

WESTERN UNION stating where Documentation asking =  Relationship to Receiver = "DONATION to FRIEND"

You then RETAIN COPY Of Such Transaction, Where~by if ever asked what you did with the money, the WESTERN UNION Funds

Transfer Document is Legal Proof you did NOT use the money for your own wealth creation,...

No Law can stop you from being a Kind Christian ~ A GOOD SAMARITAN 

Please in the name of JESUS help Pastor "Aussie ~  Laurence John Williams, Jenny Vabe" & our little girl "Cheska" we are suffering much

There is no reason why a CHAPTER could not have 2 ~ 3 or More FUNDRAISERS & CHAPLAINS in process at the same time,.. All the below links have 10's of Thousands of Donations Supporters already as Members who Donate on regular Basis 24/7 365,..

The system is already Structured and 100% LEGAL

All you, your GROUP ~ CHAPTER need do is "TAP INTO IT"


Questions Answers Notices



Father GOD we come to you uplifting our Pastors, Ministry Team Volunteers and those we Minister too,..

Father so many days on end we are without food Father and drinking water

Father we ask in the name of JESUS please help us,.. Please provide for us Father GOD,

we need sustenance to continue on with the work you have placed before us, we  give you

all the Praise, all the Warship, all the Honer, all the Glory

We ask help us Father GOD to keep our bodies in health and strength to continue 

with the Mission you have placed before us for we ask in the name of JESUS amen 

What is a BALIKBAYAN Box?  You might ask


of sending 3' x 3' x 2' Box ~  Carton 

To the Philippines from Any International Nation 

at special Private / Domestic Rates

The link below will educate you as to the items that can be sent

When sending please include

#1/. 2 Bibles  ~  #2/. Bible Study Aids ~ #3 Christian Books ~ #4 DVD's & CDs

#5 Canned & Packet Foods, Baby Foods, Cerials, Oats  ~ No Fresh Foods Allowed

#6 Powdered, Tube and Canned Milk, Baby Milk Packet

#7 Long Life Cakes (shelf type) Biscuits  

#8 Bath Soaps, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorants, Tooth Paste 

#9 School Books, Ball Pens, Note Pads, etc

#10 New or Used Cellphones, Gadgets, Laptops 

The above is an outline only, many other items are send~able in a 


open the below link to read more 

Once you have completed reading about the BALIKBAYAN Box ~ Familiarizing yourself with what can and can't be sent within a BALIKBAYAN Box the next step is to Prayerfully contemplate doing so for you will be assisting  Pastor "Aussie" ,  assistant Pastors & Mission workers by doing so,.. Hear is a good idea

If you hold (or intend to hold) a weekly Bible Study  / Prayer & Praise Meeting

Requesting those who attend to bring several items each per week, by doing so could perhaps fill a 3' x 3' x 2' BALIKBAYAN Box One or Two times a Month, all receiving the

Blessings GOD has in-store for those who Fill the Gap where others do fail,...


When sending a  BALIKBAYAN Box

Please Include ALL details (written in Gold) below:-  

Jenny Vabe Tapilot

Kingdom Cottage (The Pink House)

Caimito, Sangi

Toledo ~ Cebu Wharf Road 

Toledo City Cebu 6358

The Philippines

Cell# 09463530489

Please do view supporting Ps "Aussie,  Jenny Vabe" & Cheska as an 

important and much appreciated assistance to the overall

Mission work GOD has placed before Ps "Aussie" and Philippines Mission workers




Please NOTE; if asked your relationship to "Jenny Vabe Tapilot" simply

 state / write


Once BALIKBAYAN BOX has been  Shipped 

Please Complete the below Email Sender

Double Check all content is Correct

If your sure all is Correct

Click SEND  thank you indeed  

GOD Bless one & All

A note from Ps "Aussie" Praise the LORD GOD JESUS and thank you so so much indeed, Jenny Vabe, Cheska and I, so too our Ministry Team Workers are and have been suffering greatly for many many Months (over 48 at time of writing)

we have been on our knees asking GOD to meet our need, your support is part of GOD's doing(s) to turn our desperate situation into more positive outlook

GOD Bless you one and ALL

Ps "Aussie, Jenny Vabe & Cheska"

Funds Forwarding by WESTERN UNION 

Ministering in a third  World Nation is not an easy task, people are so poor and law so wrongfully lawless, poverty so deeply broad 

many are forced into living lifestyle they normally would not,... In 2014 this belief was rocketed home to our Ministry Team,. 

when attending a ATM it was discovered our Account had been milked, an eight Month investigation followed resulting in Three Staff of the

Bank being charged with robbery,... We now don't trust the Banks of the Philippines and Utilize the ONLY Safe Form of Money Transactions between International Nations and The Philippines being WESTERN UNION an American Icon handling safe and secure 

Funds Transfer Internationally decade after decade

For your peace of mind we provide WESTERN UNION Membership details below

There are TWO Easy ways to Transfer Funds by WESTERN UNION

 #1 In STORE   ~   #2 Online 


 #1 In STORE Transaction

If your not familiar Transferring Funds via WESTERN UNION the warm and friendly

staff will assist you

simply let them know it's your first transaction and they will assist to make sure

all is completed correctly


Once Transaction is completed you will be provided with a TEN DIGIT NUMBER called a



It is very important such Ten Digit Number be treated like a

ATM Card ID Code or Bank Account Number

keep it Safe and Secure

Once Transaction is completed the MTCN Number and Transferred Funds Total

need be forwarded to Receiver without delay


Sir Laurence John Williams 

Luray ONE

Toledo City Cebu 6358

The Philippines 

Cell# +63 9075345772 

Please complete all details below ~ Thank you

Below is the WESTERN UNION Transaction Details~ Information Email Sender

Please Complete ALL Details Correctly


And the Total of Funds Transferred in USD

Thank you Indeed

A Return Email shall be sent once Transaction is

Successfully Received

Yes indeed WELCOME to Pledge Page ~ I Ps "Aussie" begin with a shot message

Ministering in a third World Country is not an easy task the language and culture barrier being a tough hurdle to overcome 

Receiving of support indeed difficult to organize ~ therefor we are asking Christian FB Friends, MP's, Group Leaders, CHAPTER Elders

to Prayerfully contemplate the content of this Page as too throughout this website,..

Within this page you will find THREE Important aspects of Ministry Support

the Page is COLOR CODED as follows


2/. BALIKBAYAN Box info' & Sending

3/. Safe & Secure FUNDS FORWARDING

4/. Direct Deposit Banking & PayPal Details

Direct Deposit Details Below
Pledging? ~ Direct Deposit Details

For those Pledging Prayerful & Practical Ministry Support by Bank Transfer, please do use the Email Inquiry Below in BLUE Font, we shall reply your Message sending Deposit Details for Direct Deposit ~ Internet Banking and or PayPal as per your request,... Thank you and GOD Bless you indeed ~ Pastor Aussie CEO CHRIST for BIKERS WWMM 

Name *

Email *


City, State, Nation


Reqest Pledge Subittion Details

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Email *

MTCN Number

Send Funds USD



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Shipping Company

Tracking Number


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Ask Questions about Fundraising Needs

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