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KING JAMES 1611 the Holy Bible
Covered By The Blood Of JESUS

Father GOD we come to you Father GOD in regard to your Holy Words inspired by You and written by GREAT Men Of GOD so to contained within your Holy Words are words spoken by JESUS as He did walk and talk as a living flesh and blood man,.. Father GOD your Words are indeed Holy and should be held with the highest regard, read, learn from, shared with others, preached and taught to all mankind,.. Father since the 1880's your Holy Words have been under attack and much has been removed  from Your Church, from the hands of folk of your flock and replaced with PerVersions, Corrupt, False Versions written by non loyal men to the Truth and Integrity of Your Holy Words Father GOD,.. Father GOD help the Payer, Help the Reader, Help the Viewer, Help the Listener to understand Your Holy Words are only found in HOLY BIBLES and NOT PerVersions written in FALSENESS by False Writers and Publishers,..

 Help all who Pray this Prayer, who read, view and listen, Help them to knowledge the Truth within this page Father GOD for we ask all in the

name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD GOD amen 

The hour is Late, the time of our LORD JESUS to return is drawing near, there are signs and wonders all around us on a day to day basis,.. satan and his cohorts know this full well also, the great deceiver and his distrustful lying, cheating, murderous throng of demons know full well JESUS will return,..

Due to this they have stepped up there deception(s) amplifying such by infiltration of the Church, causing disruption, division, corruption, lies, breakaways,.. In the 1880 throngs of Versions of GOD's Holy Words began being printed on mass scale,.. Such versions being written by men of whom

some love the LORD our GOD, while others are simply in it for the money,.. The latter not caring at all about the Holy content nor truthfulness of the

words they write,... Do  you know if you or I decided to write our own versions of the Bible, by law your version need be a minimum of 10% different to

my version, and my version 10% different from ALL other versions,.... WHAT?  ~ With over 150 Versions on sale at present time, the question is

HOW TRUE to GOD's Holy Bible is your version?

GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) BIKER CHURCH and our Mission of Planting Churches named GOD's little FLOCK (Luke 12:32) FREEDOM FELLOWSHIP(s) use no other Bible but the KING JAMES 1611 edition

Our  Head Pastor "Aussie" Laurence John Williams,

Trainee Pastors ~ Assistant Pastors ~ Elders 

Fellowship Leaders ~ Bible Study Leaders

Fellowshipping Flock

Read ~ Learn ~ Speak From ~ Teach From ~ Preach From

The Holy Bible the KING JAMES 1611 edition

utilizing no PerVersion(s) what~so~ever

Thank You Father GOD for opening our eyes 

Quite a shock isn't it, yes I too was trapped in the mind control bug of

denying  my past versions were not the same as the Holy Bible,..

Yes I too was caught in the destructive plan of satan and his cohorts,..

I too was heading no where but to "Fall By The Wayside"

"I excuse was "I read this version because it's easy to understand"

Yes a subtle trap of the great deceiver  

"For what is false can only produce what is False" 

If you have watched the above two videos please do respond to let us know what your thoughts are ~ I Hope for your sake Positive for the

KING JAMES 1611 edition ~ GOD's Holy Bible 

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