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Nancey my mum was a wonderful but strong and strict mother,  ran the house on tome schedule and did so to the tee, those of us with a rebel spirit namely Harry my dad and me, myself and I were always in hot water due to our rebel spirits always seeking excitement and adventure,.. Mum would tick dad off for being a big boy and dad would chuckle and give her a hug and kiss saying,.. "All's fine Pood" that was the name dad called mum "Pood" so I had learned what my and day say to each other in pet name "Black Crow" I had head mum say and now I hear dad name mum "Pood" I remember saying to myself at about age six years "I'm gunna get me a other name too" 

Mum had done wonders at the little Falls Road Strath Creek house, making vegetable gardens and dad and the older boys did build a chook pen (chicken house) so food was a little more plentiful  but still a long cry from being like other more affluent families,..  Dad was working most of the time but began spending more and more time at the Pub coming home drunker and drunker and more and more violent, to the point the older-ones  would cringe in bed for fear dad would clobber them in fits of drunken rage,.. Some how I understood dad going of tap the way he did so too did mum, I'm unsure about the other what they thought or understood for we didn't talk much at all,.. They were so different to me and dad as too the two sisters so different to mum,...

Testimony of Missionary Ps "Aussie"

Welcome reader, I'm known as Pastor "Aussie" born Laurence John Williams Sept' 6 1953

Carlton Melbourne Victoria Australia,.. born to Harry Albert Williams and Dorris Nancey Sawyer,.. We were living in Heidelberg Melbourne at the time,. However by age 2 or 3 the family moved into the countryside a little hamlet named REEDY CREEK Via Broadford Victoria where we lived in a modest early 50's style home within a farming community, a beautiful place with wide open expanses of land for a young family to run a muck in,.. I had at the time four older brothers and one sister, Gavin, Cheryl, Richard, Christopher, Anthony, by age 3 along came our baby sister Jannine,... Harry (our dad) was a do this do that kind of man, working as a Lumber Jack, Trucker, Under Taker, Mechanic,.  Anything with an Internal Combustion Engine was the  love of our dad Harry, known to his mates as "Happy Harry" or simply "Hap" for short,.. To his motorcycle mates dad was known as "Black Crow" a name very well known by the the older generation of Bikers in Australia,... By the time I was 4.5 years we moved house from Reedy Creek to STRATH CREEK where another farm community house became our roof,.. This was a beautiful place but the beauty did not sink in for we battled from day to day trying to service with little food, no electricity, no running water, only one small rain water storage tank far too little capacity for  seven (7) kids and two (2) adults,.. Many trips back and forth with buckets the older kids carted bucket after bucked day in day out, for baths the water had to be heater in a copper and a fire started to heat the water enough for baths, this created yet another chore for us kids ~ fire wood for the copper, the kitchen wood fired stove, the kitchen open fireplace and the lounge room open fireplace, that's four fires that had to be kept burning 24/7 during winter, when the ice cold winds from the Snowy Mountains swung into their bone chilling nastiness  ~ Brrrrrr

Ps "Aussie" photo taken November 2013 the day of Dorris Nancey Williams funeral RIP mum

That's mum in the center of the photo on the wall

loved her so much, so too all who did meet her, everyone naming her "Nan" short for Nancey

sure do miss you mum n always will,..


Our little house was two bedrooms with a large rear porch so 1/2 it was closed in to make a third bedroom, 1x Harry and Nancey, 1 x Cheryl, 1x Gavin, the remainder of us five (5) all slept in a common room that we made into a bedroom, five in the one room sure was fun I can tell you, I seamed to be the leader of all the pranks, the youngest of the boys, wiry, spunky, always in mischief, and quite a leader, tough little guy that would stand up to my older brothers and not move my ground,.. Lost many fights but would bounce back and try try again and again to the point others older and stronger  would retire in defeat ,.. Harry / dad had grown to see that I have a tough guy hat on and took me into favor much of the time,.. We became very close dad and me, I was his shadow and he was my hero,.. So so many times dad would sit me on his WLA Harley or his Knuckelhead Harley taking long rides that usually ended up at a Pub or several Pubs on rout, hundreds of times  meeting up with loads of his WW111 budies who also did ride motorcycles and did drive Hot Rod cars, some time so so many the whole street would be filled with motorcycle and Hot Rods , I would sit and listen to their stories, listen to the laughter, and watch the men race their motorcycles up and down the road and around and around the Pub, dust noise, laughter, shouting, music playing loud and beer beer and beer, dad would let me sip his beer sometimes, it made me feel great, made me feel I'm one of these guys,...  I don't know if dad  took my brothers to places like this with his friends, but anytime he said to me "Ya com'n" I couldn't get out the door quick enough, the feeling riding on the motorcycle feel so exiting, I feel free of everything with the wind rushing past and the throb of the engine, totally loved it, I had a gring from ear to ear no matter if ice cold, raining or sunshine if dad said "ya com'n" I was gone like the shot out of a gun,..

To be continued 

Hear will be a photo on

Doris Nancy Williams my mum

once I find a suitable one 

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